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The death of a loved one is not something that anyone wants to deal with or is overly prepared for. 也就是说, 我们最终都会死, 在你去世之前,为你的未来做好遗产规划和准备,是减轻你所爱的人负担的好方法.

遗产规划是一种让你对你花了一生时间建立的遗产保留一些控制权的方式, 它也有助于你的遗产容易分散和解决你的遗产后,你的死.


遗产规划是指拥有或产生遗产的人对他们去世后遗产的处理进行规划的过程. This can be a will, naming beneficiaries, setting up 信托基金, and more.

这有助于使你的遗产不受遗嘱认证,并有助于确保如果你有一些特别的东西,你希望一个特定的人拥有, 他们可以在你死后得到它.

Estate planning can pertain to money, assets, homes, property, and even pets or animals. This is a crucial part of anyone’s life as it helps to ensure that when they pass, their estate will not be held up for six months as it goes through the 遗嘱认证 office.

它还有助于防止家庭争夺遗产,因为每项资产都将被命名并指定给一个人或另一个人. This planning process can help you with your end-of-life wishes as well.

比方说,你得了一种使人衰弱的疾病,在你生命的尽头,你需要一份委托书. You can name your 授权书 in your estate plan and your will. You can also plan your funeral and pay for it or state that it will be paid for out of your estate.



如果你曾经处理过亲人去世后没有计划或遗嘱的遗产, 你知道遗产规划有多重要. 遗产规划把所有的猜测都从你的死亡和你去世后你想要的东西中剔除.

Each state has a 遗嘱认证 law or a 遗嘱认证 period in which an estate without a will must sit. 对大多数州来说,这是六个月. 这段时间给债权人, people that feel they are entitled to some of the estates, and anyone else concerned time to be notified of the death and to come forward to make their claim.


  • The electricity bill for the home to keep the water from freezing.
  • 如果有存储单元,则收取仓储费
  • 抵押贷款(如适用).

They can also take something from the home or bank accounts once the 遗嘱认证 period is over. Not only does this put a financial strain on the family that is left behind, 但这也是一种情感压力.

Even if your grandma told you she wanted you to have her antique furniture before she passed, you could not take it until the 遗嘱认证 period is over and the estate is settled.


去世时没有留下遗产计划或遗嘱会让你留下的家人更加困难, 这使得这些人很难继续他们的生活,因为他们等待解决你的遗产.

虽然你可能已经不在了,和 遗产规划, 你可以让别人知道你的愿望, 让你的愿望具有法律约束力, and help expedite the healing process for your family after your death.

Estate planning also helps keep families from fighting over your estate after you pass, 因为你的意愿将在一份具有法律约束力的文件中提供,他们必须遵循这份文件才能分割遗产.

If you are having trouble figuring out what to do with your estate, our lawyers at CLLB Law can help. 立即bet9九州体育登录 at 812-725-8224!


First and foremost, and perhaps most often, an 房地产律师 can help you draft and file your will. 他们可以帮助你学习以下几个方面:

  • 你能给人们留下什么?
  • 你如何分割你的遗产?
  • What options do you have in terms of who you leave your possessions and money to?


一位优秀的遗产律师将有能力帮助你创建一份合法且具有约束力的遗嘱. 留下来的人将能够遵循这一点,以帮助他们分散你的遗产的工作更容易,压力更小.


还有一件事 房地产律师 能做的就是创建一个合法且有约束力的吗 授权书. 你的授权书是很重要的. It can help ensure that you are going to be taken care of if you are ever medically incapacitated.

A 授权书 can help with things like arranging nursing home care, 确保你的账单被支付, 确保你的财务状况良好.

A 授权书 can also help you make any legal decisions that you might have, such as helping you sell your home if you wish to, 出售物业, and even paying off large debts if you are wanting to pay them.

要有委托书, 最好是在你身体上或认知上不能这样做之前确定你想让谁成为你的委托书. Your 房地产律师 can also help with 监护 of your estate.

如果你无法管理你的遗产, 遗产规划 lawyers are going to be able to step in and take care of your estate for you. 当起草得当时, an estate 监护 is going to be able to do anything you might need them to do.



任何拥有不动产的人, 即使是很小的一个, can benefit greatly from an estate plan being in place at the time of their death or before. 我们已经谈到了遗嘱认证, but this is the biggest thing that your family is going to have to contend with after your death.

当你去世时没有留下遗嘱, 法律上要求遗产进入遗嘱认证,这段时间是由你的遗产所定义的,你住在哪里. 遗嘱认证是一段时间,在这段时间里,不能对遗产做任何事情,也不能对与已经去世的个人有关的任何账户做任何事情.

这意味着如果你有一个银行账户, 一个家, 信用卡账户, 或者其他信贷额度, your family can call and notify the company that you have passed and they can stop the payments, but those accounts cannot be closed until the six months has passed.

你的家人不能对你的遗产做任何事情,直到六个月过去,或者直到他们聘请遗嘱认证律师来打破遗嘱认证. 遗嘱认证律师可以帮助打破遗嘱认证,如果没有债务对遗产,它可以证明.

然而, 这既要花钱,又会让人恼火, 这很可能也会引起家庭问题,甚至可能使分割遗产变得更加困难. Anyone, no matter the size or difficulty of their estate, can benefit from 遗产规划.

当你经过, 你的家人必须通过许多法律障碍来解决你的遗产,并开始继续他们的生活. 在房地产律师的帮助下, 你可以想象自己慢慢变老,而不用担心你的财产或家庭会发生什么.


What Does an Attorney for Estate Planning Do After You Pass?

The first thing that an 房地产律师 will do after you pass is to get in touch with your family, 如果你有委托书,请bet9九州体育登录线路你的委托书, and help your family traverse those first few days after your passing.

Your family is going to be able to call on them, and they will help lay out the paperwork that they have worked with you on, 比如你的意志, your funeral arrangements if you have al准备好了 made them, and any other pertinent paperwork that will help with the settling of your estate.

他们还可以代表您与他人交谈,并帮助确保遗产顺利进行,并且在没有任何麻烦的情况下,以最小的努力解决您的家庭问题. Your 房地产律师 will be able to do so much for you, both while you are alive and after you have passed.

They can help your family stop worrying about what they are going to do with your estate. 这样他们就能着手解决你的财产问题,并确保他们不必独自努力解决这个问题.

Though it might seem like a trivial thing since you are gone, 确保那些你爱的人得到照顾,他们不会为了照顾你的遗产而苦苦挣扎,这会有很长的路要走.

你会更加平静, 你不必担心, and 你可以让别人知道你的愿望 before you pass. 除了, 有一个合适的遗产计划可以让你的家人更容易地照顾你生前辛辛苦苦建立起来的遗产, and it makes it easier for you to stop worrying at the end of your life.

任何人都可以从遗产规划中受益. Our 遗产规划 attorneys are here 帮助 you, and we want to get your estate plan in place and 准备好了 to go.

Get in Touch with a Skilled Estate Planning Lawyer Today

Whether you’re planning for your own future or the future of a loved one, 请考虑允许我们帮助你. bet9九州体育登录线路 one of our 遗产规划 attorneys today to start finding solutions at 812-725-8224.


Licensed to practice in both 印第安纳州 and 肯塔基州, Steve Langdon is an experienced elder law and trial attorney. 除了他的诉讼和审判工作, 史蒂夫的执业包括立遗嘱, 信托基金, 遗嘱认证, 医疗补助计划, 监护, 授权书, 以及高级指导计划, including living wills and health care surrogate designations. [ 律师生物 ]


Gary is licensed to practice law in both 印第安纳州 and 肯塔基州. 他专注于遗产规划, 遗产及信托管理, 遗产及信托诉讼, 监护, 老年人法和特殊需求规划. 加里赢得了他的J。.D. 来自路易斯维尔大学,路易斯D. Brandeis School of Law, and formerly practiced law at Bingham Greenebaum Doll and Wyatt, Tarrant & 库姆斯. [ 律师生物 ]


We invite you to bet9九州体育登录线路 our offices to schedule a consultation to discuss your legal concerns.


