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What is 医疗补助计划 Coverage? How does 医疗补助计划 Insurance work?

医疗补助计划 is the payor of last resort – it pays when there is no one else left to pay. 医疗补助计划 is a needs based program; if you meet the financial and other requirements, you are entitled to the benefits of the program.

医疗补助计划 is both a Federal and State program. The Federal government created the program and pays a portion of the bills. The States, subsequently, built their own programs based on the Federal rules. 每个州, 因此, has their own specific rules, meaning that 医疗补助计划 insurance regulations vary from State to State.

医疗补助计划’s basic philosophy is that the nursing home resident, and his or her spouse, should pay for that resident’s nursing home care before the taxpayers are required to assist. Unless you know the rules and know how to use them to your advantage, then the common result is that if you have worked your entire life, 住仔细, 纳税了, saved for retirement, and played by the rules, you will go broke in a nursing home before 医疗补助计划 will agree 帮助.

Federal law does not require such a punishing outcome. 国家管理员, 然而, often enforce local customs not found in the Federal 医疗补助计划 Law that results in families losing their life savings to the nursing home.

What are the qualifications to receive 医疗补助计划?

There are certain preliminary requirements to obtain 医疗补助计划 eligibility for some or all of Nursing Home monthly charges. You need to be in a Nursing Home, not in Assisted Living or Independent Living or Personal Care. You also need to require the level of care called “skilled nursing care” and you need to be in a 医疗补助计划 bed. The State allows each Nursing Home to have a certain number of 医疗补助计划 eligible beds – if the Nursing Home al准备好了 has its quota of 医疗补助计划 residents, you will not get 医疗补助计划 coverage even though you are personally 医疗补助计划 eligible.

The last qualification for 医疗补助计划 Insurance is financial. 医疗补助计划 breaks financial qualifications into two large categories – married with a Community Spouse, 和单. A Community Spouse situation is one where one spouse is in a Nursing Home and one is not. The spouse who lives in the community is called the “Community Spouse.”

医疗补助计划 defines singles as never married, widowed, or divorced. A married couple can also be considered single when both spouses are confined to a Nursing Home. In that situation, for 医疗补助计划 purposes, each spouse is considered to be a single individual.

Under the 医疗补助计划 rules, assets are called “resources.” 医疗补助计划 allows some resources to be “exempt” or to not count towards what the State expects to be paid to the Nursing Home. The exempt resources differ when there is a Community Spouse and when there is no Community Spouse.

医疗补助计划 looks at all the non-exempt resources and expects some or most of these resources 被“花光”” prior to 医疗补助计划 paying for the Nursing Home. When there is a Community Spouse, many of the countable, non-exempt resources may be retained.

医疗补助计划 does not allow a person to give away his or her assets and then come in and claim to be poor. To determine whether a 医疗补助计划 applicant has given away “gifts” before applying for benefits, 医疗补助计划 has the legal right to look back through five years of financial records of the Nursing Home resident and spouse.

What is 医疗补助计划 Spend Down?

医疗补助计划 requires resources, over the amount permitted to be kept by the Nursing Home resident, 被“花光”.”

医疗补助计划 spend down may 只有 be spent on the Nursing Home resident or his or her spouse.


Gary is licensed to practice law in both 印第安纳州 and 肯塔基州. He concentrates his practice in estate planning, estate and trust administration, estate and trust litigation, 监护, elder law and special-needs planning. 加里赢得了他的J。.D. from the University of Louisville, Louis D. Brandeis School of Law, and formerly practiced law at Bingham Greenebaum Doll and Wyatt, Tarrant & 库姆斯. [ 律师生物 ]


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