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The line between healthy and abusive actions is 有时 a blurry one. Whether a person is observing a questionable interaction or is a part of it, it’s common for there to be apprehension when it comes to stepping up and accusing someone of abuse. 然而, 据估计 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men ages 18 and older have been the victim of severe physical violence in their lifetime by an intimate partner, and almost 50 percent of all U.S. women and men have experienced psychological aggression by such a person. This is a human rights issue that’s not bound by gender, age, religion, ethnicity, or income. Clearly, statistics show that domestic violence is a significant problem in our society.

A domestic abuse situation can result in the filing of criminal charges as well as an order of protection being issued. 在教堂, 兰登, Lopp, Banet法律, we know that domestic violence is a difficult issue that can leave people anxious, 害怕, and uncertain of what to do next. We understand what you’re going through because we have helped other people who have been where you are now. 总部设在新奥尔巴尼, 印第安纳州, the domestic abuse lawyers at Church, 兰登, Lopp, Banet法律 proudly serve communities throughout 肯塔基州 and 印第安纳州 including, 但不限于, 杰佛逊县, KY; Floyd County, IN; Clark County, IN; and Harrison County, IN. Contact us by calling (812) 725-8224 or completing 我们的网上表格.

在印第安纳州和肯塔基州, domestic violence acts are generally charged under standard criminal provisions such as 攻击, 骚扰, 威胁, 刑事侵权, 强奸, 和绑架. Property damage can rise to the level of domestic violence only if it is combined with threatening behavior. 印第安纳州 does have a domestic battery statute, prohibiting behavior that causes a physical injury through the intentional touching of a current or former spouse, someone who lives or lived with the person as a spouse, or an individual with whom the person has a child.

For purposes of protective orders, 印第安纳州 family court defines “domestic or family violence” as anything that:

  • causes physical harm or attempts or threatens to cause physical harm to a family or household member;
  • places a family or household member in fear of physical harm;
  • makes a family or household member engage in sexual activity by force, 武力威胁, or duress; or
  • 虐待或杀死动物, 没有道理, 以威胁为目的, 令人生畏的, 强迫, 骚扰, 或者恐吓家庭成员.

在肯塔基州, domestic violence and abuse encompasses physical injury, 严重身体伤害, 性虐待, 攻击, or the infliction of fear of imminent physical injury, 严重身体伤害, 性虐待, or 攻击 between family members or members of an unmarried couple.

Just like some people deny the presence of domestic abuse, 有时 people are falsely accused. Whether done impulsively out of anger or to gain an advantage in divorce proceedings, such an accusation has immediate and lasting consequences. A restraining order can be issued without the alleged abuser’s knowledge. These emergency protective orders (EPO) are granted if a judge finds that the allegations by the person seeking the order indicate that there is an immediate danger of domestic violence. An EPO must be properly served and generally lasts for two weeks. 在那段时间里, a hearing is held on a long-term domestic violence order (DVO), which can be effective for up to three years.

These orders of protection can greatly affect the rights of the accused abuser. He or she can be ordered to move out of the family home, be prohibited from using or selling certain property, be required to stay a certain distance from the accuser, and have restrictions placed on parental privileges. If there is probable cause showing that an EPO or DVO has been violated, the accused abuser can be arrested immediately. 肯塔基州 even provides interpersonal protective orders (IPO) for victims of dating violence, 性侵犯, and stalking (available to those who are not married, 同居, 或家长).

No one plans to get involved in a violent relationship and, 有时, the abuse is not readily apparent. 不断的侮辱, 财务控制, 恐吓, 社会隔离, and even stalking are all forms of mistreatment that, 伴随着身体攻击, can serve as the basis for abusive relationship protections. In matters of domestic violence, both the accuser and the accused have rights that need to be considered. Our experienced 新奥尔巴尼 attorneys have the skills and knowledge needed to ensure that clients get the effective representation that they deserve.

To get more information and explore your options, bet9九州体育登录线路 Church, 兰登, Lopp, Banet法律 today by calling 812-725-8224 or filling out 我们的网上表格. Whatever the specifics of your case, we are relentless in fighting for you.


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